BEAUTIFY RWANDA As a fast-growing nation, Rwanda has the opportunity to bypass old technologies and environmentally destructive development and build an economy that can withstand a changing climate and that provides prosperity
for generations to come
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SAVE LIVES When you go green, you are effectively reducing your carbon footprint. By reducing pollution, you are also reducing the amount of energy that is being consumed, thereby making way for a greener and cleaner environment.
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GREEN RWANDA Rwandans plant millions of trees to protect the country’s forests, rivers and wetlands. It’s hoped that all of these initiatives will make Rwanda a developed, climate-resilient and low-carbon economy by 2050.
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For more than a decade, Rwanda has taken a proactive approach and put environment and climate change at the heart of all the country’s policies, programmes and plans. It was one of the first countries to ban plastic bags, for instance. And its commitment to nationwide landscape restoration is such that every year, Rwandans plant millions of trees to protect the country’s forests, rivers and wetlands.It’s hoped that all of these initiatives will make Rwanda a developed economy.