Plant trees
Solar energy
Modern Agriculture
Waste management
Energy Conservation
Plastic Bag Ban
Old Vehicles Ban
As one of the most vulnerable nations to climate change, Rwanda is acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Therefore, to achieve its vision of a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy by 2050, Rwanda has established the Green Fund, a groundbreaking investment fund, the largest of its kind in Africa.The fund supports the best public and private projects that have the potential for transformative change and that support Rwanda’s commitment to building a green economy.
For a country to achieve sustainable development, environmental sustainability must be taken into consideration. This applies to policies, legislation and programmes alike. Over the past years, the government has taken measures to ensure national development is in harmony with the protection of the environment.Thanks to Rwanda’s efforts to put the environment and climate change at the heart of her development, the country’s Ministry of Natural Resources was recently accredited by the International Green Climate Fund.